Claude-a-saurus Wrecks “Mondays”

Read a review of “This is Our Christmas Album” by Switchfoot here.

Recently, I watched the movie “Black Adam” on HBO Max. Aside from a few cool visuals scattered throughout the movie I found the movie boring and uninteresting. I’m not sure if my boredom stemmed from not being very familiar with any of the characters in the movie or just a general apathy towards superhero movies in general.

To be fair, I felt that the superhero genre in movies was overplayed when Disney/Marvel started making movies about Ant Man and Doctor Strange. Sure they struck gold building a franchise off of a B-Tier characters like Iron Man and Thor, but D-Tier heroes in a marketplace oversaturated by superheroes? Surely, a blockbuster dud was bound to be incoming. After watching Avengers 4 in the theater with friends I remembered thinking “Thank God this is over”. When the Snyder cut of Justice League was released I said “can this genre please die now?”

When I would read previews of upcoming superhero movies saturated with woke agenda posturing I proclaimed ‘I hope these movies bomb so badly it financially hurts the studios enough that they will change course”. It’s safe to say that I can’t look at superhero movies with any kind of excitement anymore. I look at them merely as drivel for mindless masses looking for more gruel to shovel into their faces to appease themselves as they throw another day into the wastebasket failing to realize that time once lost is gone forever.

For me to have watched “Black Adam” at all felt more like a defeat that anything else. I expectantly hoped for a really good movie. If it wasn’t on a streaming service I was already paying for I would never have watched it. I certainly wasn’t going to go out of my way to pay money to see it.

“Black Adam” had it’s loud explosions and it’s big menacing villains. It restrained woke virtue signaling. It had a guest appearance by Henry Cavill as Superman. It had a blockbuster movie actor in Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson! What it didn’t have was my attention for the run time of over two hours and I found myself sleeping through the movie and not caring enough to rewind to what I remembered and starting it again. This movie felt to have the same story quality as watching one of the Nicholas Cage “Ghost Rider” movies from the 2000’s. That really is enough said.

Since I’ve spent five paragraphs telling you about a disappointing media experience it’s time to tell you about good media experiences. I’ll expand on these more in the coming weeks but here I’ll just give you the recommendation.

Watch “All Quiet on the Western Front” on Netflix.

Watch “The Wingfeather Saga” on either YouTube or the Angel Studios streaming app.

Claude-a-saurus Wrecks “Santa’s Music”

Read a review of the Christmas music compilation called “Maybe This Christmas” here.

Johnny Cash: The Redemption of an American Icon opens in theaters today!

It’s Christmas time! Last year I featured a Christmas album every week of December and I decided to keep with that practice this year. My friend Jessica picked this album.

My son and I helped decorate the church for Christmas.

We put up the Christmas tree at our house and our lights outside. We won’t be winning any holiday decorating contests but my son really wanted lights on the house so we did it.

My daughter, son, and I went to our town’s annual Christmas Parade of Lights. It was a much bigger parade then I thought it would be. My daughter met up with her friend in town and they enjoyed the parade together. There is a group called CNY Blues Brothers and they are an act that does Blues Brothers songs, check out this picture of their car.

We dressed some of our pets up in holiday costumes. Some went well and some did not.

My son bought this magnet at the local craft show.

We have been making homemade pizzas on flat breads. On this one we made a W so Colton know calls them “Walrath Pizzas”.